My Jihad

Saturday, December 15, 2012

There are some triumphs in life that make you really proud and excited about being a part of the human race. Overcoming phobia's and stereotypes are some of those leaps and bounds that transgress the limits that hatred and ignorance place on us.

Once in a while, every now and again, you just want to thrust your fist in the air and scream "YES!" at these kinds of accomplishments.

In Chicago, CAIR-Chicago, launched their "My Jihad" campaign to help stomp out the recent hateful and ignorant Islamophobic "Defeat Jihad" hate campaigns, recently advertised and propagated by Pamela Gellar, a known anti-Islam conservative blogger. 
 The goal, according to a CAIR statement, Rehab explained, is "reclaiming Jihad from the Muslim and anti-Muslim extremists who ironically, but not surprisingly, see eye to eye on Jihad..."
So what is JihadJihad technically is an Islamic term that means struggle. It appears 41 times in the Quran and is used frequently in terms to describe a Muslim "striving in the way of God." The Quran, however, never uses the term Jihad for fighting and combat in the name of Allah; qital is used to mean “fighting.”

So let us support this movement of "My Jihad". Rehab hopes that the "MyJihad" ads will also appear in cities including New York, San Francisco, Houston, Seattle and Washington, D.C. in the future.

Fighting Islamophobia, One Jihad At A Time


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