Okay, so not exactly as the title mentions but enough to set me into frenzy mode. I guess I missed the first memo. Well... the second and third memo's for that matter!
I'm uber excited about Eid al Adha and close to equally excited about the Sister's Gathering after the Eid festivities... well not that closely excited but you get the general picture. I have been preparing different outfits and gathering ideas and notions on what I'm going to wear, both online (as you well witnessed) and offline with personal reviews from my children.
Off (on) topic. What a wonderful occasion is Eid! I have never regretted the obligations my Lord has placed on me, by leaving off what was not and is not to be practiced in our beautiful deen. For what few things Allaah has forbidden us, he has replaced with so many and so much better! Alhamdulillaah! No pork? Yet we have beef, lamb, goat, chicken, duck, camel and what the sea holds. No alcohol? Yet we have juices, teas, milks and the best of all water. No birthdays, random holidays and celebrations of the kuffar? Yet we have our two Eids and the Eid of yawmul jumu'ah.
Anas (radhi allahu anhu) said: “The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) came to Madeenah and the people of Madeenah had in Jahiliyah two days of play and amusement (they are the day of Niarooz (New Years Day) and the day of Maharajaan (Final Day of the Year). So, the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “I came to you and you had in Jahiliyah two days of play and amusement. Indeed, Allah has replaced them for you by that which is better than them: The day of Nahr (slaughtering) and the day of Fitr (breaking fast).” [(saheeh) Musnad Ahmad (3/103, 178, 235 and others)]
Shaikh Ahmad Abdur-Rahmaan al-Banaa said: “This is because the two days, the day of Fitr and of Nahr are from the legislation of Allah, the Most High, His choice for His creation and because they succeed the performance of two great pillars of Islam, which are Hajj and Fasting. In them, Allah forgives the pilgrims and those who fast, and spreads His Mercy over all His obedient creation. As for the days of Nairooz and Mahrajaan, then they were chosen by the wise men of that era, either because of the mildness of the climate and season or because of other transitory virtues. Thus, the difference between them is clear for those who contemplate.” [Fath ur-Rabaanee (6/119)]
How can we not know that Allaah has completed our deen! Which of the favors of your Lord will you deny?
NONE, I say. Moving along on the prior conversation, I recently spoke with the host of the Sisters event... a lovely occasion with beautiful sisters who enjoy the company of one another and love each other for the sake of Allaah, al Wadud... who kindly informed me that the event is Formal. Maa shaa Allaah.
But wait...
The last formal event I attended was probably a fund raising banquet several years ago and my attire was... hmm... Allaah conceals our faults and sins before Islam and therefore I will conceal mine, but lets just say... it is probably inappropriate for my sisters in Islam. Since then I have gotten rid of several items in my closet, including my beloved heels, and *ahem* downsized. My wardrobe is not dowdy but it is minimal... however with an invitation that specifies formal... its time to make a few shopping trips with a different state of mind.
I'm worried that to create a modest, formal look; that this can travel quickly down a few odd avenues. Schoolteacher, Quincenera, Prom or Mother of the Bride.... none of which suits me. I don't want to be frantic... is it really that serious? Ohhhhh... the dramas of being an ex-savvy-fashionista! *giggles* I kid, I kid. However, I think I'll turn this into a fun adventure and see how it all pans out.
Ma salaamah!
Ma salaamah!
Waiting to see how this turns out and knowing your fashion sense, you will do a great job! Please share one you are done - would love to see what you came up with. Good luck honey!!!
Thanks sis! I'm looking forward to the "shop"portunity! Thinking about hitting a few consignment stores too so I might just bring along my camera! *smiles*
ooooh good idea - please take the camera. I love visuals. Good luck!
By the way I love this part of the post most. "...have never regretted the obligations my Lord has placed on me, by leaving off what was not and is not to be practiced in our beautiful deen. For what few things Allaah has forbidden us...". You really summed it up so beautifully.
salams sister! Loved reading your post Mashallah :)
While i am not a niqabee i find myself in a similar predicament right about now. Its tough to find that one outfit that meets the Islamic qualifications while maintaining your fashionista title.(which...in hindsight is all about the individual.) If you are comfy and happy with your appearence then work it and everyone else will see your confidence!
I would love to see what you ended up going with!
Good luck!
Salamualaikum! New to ur blog, mashaallah i LOVE IT.
Personally i don't think women should have to get rid of things in her closet, because when ur married, u can play dress up all u want!! hehe
but for sisters gatherings, i agree it's always hard to find things that fit your style and that's proper enough, i stock up on maxi dresses, and even get fabrics i love and sketch a design, either make it or take it to a seamstress to get a quick dress made in any form!
i love glitz and glam so accessories are always being collected as well!
well i know i'm totally late to this post, but inshaallah all went well sis! take care <3
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