Another Sunny Day... gone bad

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Born and raised in the United States and I am utterly frustrated at the views of "Americans" towards the Muslims. Especially Muslim women... either they expect an accent, then are shocked and depleted when a very Southern, educated, firm voice comes from behind the veil.

Or they shoot terribly nasty looks with whispers of "I bet her husband makes her wear that" or "that poor girl, she's so oppressed, you're in America now sweetie" or even worse: filthy spews of "Go back to your own country!".

Would I be so wrong to reply that one-third of my "people" were brought over against their will and the other third ... well they came on the boat willingly and drove the last third from their land and forced them onto reservations. *Sighs*

The ignorance's of this so-called blended society makes me mad. America is NOT the mixing pot that most claim it to be... I'm convinced its more like a poorly combined salad and I'm trying to pick out all the onions.


UmmAbdulAziz said...

assalam alaikum
have patience, sis, Allaah will reward you

Muslimah for Jannah said...

Asalamu Alaikum! Love this post!
Describes what I'm going through

love u

Blue Pearl said...

i understand your frustration - patience will reward you. Take care not to show your frustrations to them.

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