Screaming in my head - random rantings

Friday, November 5, 2010

Do people really just like to watch themselves type... random bantering for no apparent reason. The longest discussion about polygyny I have ever had... back and forth, round loops and into crevices. All over what? Whether polygyny is the man's right or is it just his privilege. Bringing proofs and evidences from Quran and Sunnah and scholarly opinion. The commandment of our Lord, the practices of our beloved Rasulullaah, sallallaahu alayhi wa salaam. The actions of our Mothers, radiallaahu anhuma. You would think I'd be worn out after two days of this... I am. I can't begin to express how disappointed I am in the ignorance's and unacceptability of the Muslims today for something that Allah has made a right of man. SubhanaAllaah! We have cowered into a state where we feel defensive and cowardly in regards to Allaah's shari'ah. Hiding behind the curtain turning wheels and pushing buttons so we'll be accepted by whom? The kuffar, society, liberals? Bleeding hearts. Our Lord has given us the best of all religions, the best of all creation and in him, sallallahu alayhi wa salaam, the best of all examples. And we scurry at the thought of how people with their twisted, Westernized, liberalist, democratic, altered intellect, views. For shame.

Ma’n b. ‘Îsâ reports: Mâlik b. Anas was once returning from the mosque, leaning on my arm, when a man called Abû Al-Juwayrîyah who was accused of Al-Irjâ` caught up with him. He said. “O Abû ‘Abdullâh, listen to something I have to say and debate with me and let me tell you my opinion.” [Imâm] Mâlik said, “And what if you overcome me?” The man replied, “If I defeat you, you follow me.” Mâlik asked, “And what if another man comes and defeats us?” He replied, “Then we follow him.” To this, Mâlik – Allâh’s mercy be upon him – said, “O servant of Allâh, Allâh sent Muhammad – Allâh’s peace and blessings be upon him – with a single religion, but I see you moving from religion to religion. ‘Umar b. ‘Abd Al-‘Azîz said, ‘Whoever makes his religion the object of argumentation will frequently change it.’”
Al-Âjurrî, Ktâb Al-Sharî’ah Vol.1 p128.

So where was the forum. Facebook. Oh you should have guessed it! Where else is everyone an internet scholar... Twitter doesn't allow for enough characters to really argue and well Myspace is wayyyyy too elementary (my children told me this FYI, I haven't a clue really... shocked? no. me either.).

So Facebook is the forum to be at... for now anyway. The hip place to be. And there are all kinds of people there... from all walks of life. There is even a segregated Muslim section. By default... and unofficial. It seems the entire Muslim community has flocked to FB (what FaceBook will be referred to from now on... because that's cool... another of my children's tidbits). There are Muslims who are representing each madhab, sect, culture, city and nation from across the globe. There are those from Sufiyyah, Shi'a, people who say they are Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali and some cross references therein, those upon Ad Dawatus Salafiyyah, even some who claim they are "Just Muslim" and even side bars like the Ahmadiyyah, the Baha'i and the Nation of Islam. They come from different cities and states in America to Canada to Germany to Saudi Arabia to Egypt and everywhere in between. Its a worldwide phenomenon of people uniting on FB. Who knew that the people were trying to establish one Ummah would be in the form of a web application. Shocked? No... me either. Excited? No... me either.

Nevertheless the Muslims are they and everyone has an opinion... everyone. When I say everyone, I mean everyone, including myself. It may not always be upon khayr - although several of us try to establish that our exposure on FB is a representation of the Muslims and that we MUST maintain some form of adab. So much for that. We have random Muslims (seasoned vets?) playing rap music on their profiles and some who are even cursing. Yaa Allaah. Yes, using expletives that should not leave the mouths, no more the fingertips of the Muslim. The worst part is... if you slip up with a D- word or an S- word (ohhhh the woes of growing up in a Western society), it is a must that we seek istighfar from Allaah and make tawbah for our wrongdoing. Especially doing so in a timely manner. However, if you are SO upset on your webpage, wall, blog, etc... and you just HAVE to type that vile language... you have the option of DELETING it. But NO... do the people do that? Absolutely not. Not only do they not hit backspace, delete, clear or some other form of getting rid of the word in the computer world, they continue by hitting "post". *faints* Literally.

Now we aren't quite finished yet however... we have the continued option of saying "You know what, I've erred severely, I think I should remove this post so that my sins are not exposed to my Muslim sisters and brothers." Is this done? Take a wild, free thinking guess. Uh uh. The transgression is furthered when someone who (knows or doesn't know) the situation but wants to encourage their sister/brother upon what is good and gives them a reminder. Only leading to further transgressions. And we wonder why some of our noble Ulamaa have stated that FB is Fasad and should not be logged onto, utilized, participated in or dealt with due to the fitan that occurs on it. This however is the condition of the Muslimeen on FB or off of FB. It is only used as a forum that validates the already exposed faults of our brothers and sisters in this beautiful deen.

How often have you heard someone incessantly complaining in your ear and rather your left side of your face be chewed off by a ravaging beast than listen to their goings on and on and on over the smallest issues.... *sighs*. How did my blog turn into my diary in a matter of months! ROFL. I've got to do something with myself. So I have some really great finds... I picked up 2 pairs of shoes (OMG heels!) That I will never, ever wear outside... being oh so weary of the "haraam" police. Okay no we don't have any muttawa here in the United States but quite a few sisters who need only put in an application because they definitely have the whole attitude down! And a few choice bracelets... piecing it together. Pics to come later and the rest of this particular blog as well... in the meantime, my brain has beaten me to my bed, so I think my body should follow. Ma salaamah. to be continued...


Muslimah for Jannah said...

Asalamu Alaikum..

I'm really sad by reading this post.. especially the FB forum that has Muslims from all different sects. Yes the key word there is *different*. this is what makes me sad and as much as I would love us to accept one another, and be the same, we shuld also accept one another and unite on the truth, otherwise we will never be able to distinguish batil and Haqq. Subhan'Allah ukhti your heart is aching and I can feel it, not to mention those who talk down on those women involved in Polygany like "i feel so sorry for you" please. Shes not missing an arm! Anyway.. Subhan'Allah, I belive polygany is a man's right but its not an obligatory right meaning he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to and he should if thats what he wants.

Struggling Muslimah said...

Asalamu Alaikum sister,
I read your post about three times and still came back to the same part. What scares me the most about the "FB" issue is that people allow themselves to, as you said, be Ulamaa'. This is dangerous beyond what we can imagine. The number of Ulamaa' out there are limited, and trust me they arent giving fatwahs on facebook lol. So even down to the people who write the descriptions on what a Sunni or Shi'a is are unqualified. We continue to support the allegations made against us about our "differences" when these, Istaghurallah IGNORANT people create a facebook group and dish out a nice summary and a post every day that is demoizing and inaccurate.
It angers me too, endlessly.

Anonymous said...

Facebook is just plain evil and should be avoided. I am of those anti-facebook people!

Another thing we should not question religion so much and when we are confronted with ignorant people we should just remain patient and remember "Silence is the best reply".

hugs and love:)

Blue Pearl said...

ooops that anonymous comment is from me...*chuckleS*

Anonymous said...

Assalaamu alaykum wr wbt sister how are you? have you been getting my emails?
its zahra bint Abdullaah that polygamy rant is one of the reasons i left facebook lol not you but the silly comments made by some amongst many other reasons. There are way too many modernists Muslims and misguided muslims, may allah guide them, who love to debate and argue over every aspect of islam using their aql of over naql and ilm-al-kalam (theological rhetoric) it becomes tireing and creates fitnah. Deen isnt for debating. I found myself having to defend Hadiths, subhahanallah such is the time of fitnah we live in.

Little Auntie said...

Asalamu ailakuam!

I hear YOU! Heheh! I haven't gone to that part of Facebook (and don't plan to) but I totally know what you mean. I loved the picture you had there :)

Anyways, just wanted to say aslamau aliakum to a sis :D

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