Alhamdulillaah ala kulli haal

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Alhamdulillaah ala kulli haal. 

All praise be to Allaah in ALL circumstances.

What a beautiful and complete du'a. Fiercely exposing the incompleteness of who we are as people of constant error. I am a mere, meek female servant of Allaah and that through every hardship, to turn to Allaah. I'm always amazed at how much emotion can play a part in your daily activities. It becomes a constant reminder about how human and infallible you are. Totally subject to our desires and feelings. Human emotion can become such a hindrance to who you are and who you want to be. Learning Islam, striving upon goodness - the straight path, upon Islam and still victim to the trials and tribulations of life.

HasbunAllaah wa ni'mal wakeel. Our ingrained default is to turn to Allaah subhanahu wa ta'ala seeking His favor in our worship throughout every calamity. And sometimes need the additional rememberance to appreciate His mercy through every fortune. Oh Allaah let us remember you with every good, rather than just turning to you in every hardship. Allahumma ameen. We ask questions of ourselves... How do I beat my emotions... I suppose I can't.

Emotions are uniquely inevitable, we can never run away from them. Positive or negative they have an effect on our interaction with others - friends, family and loved ones- and affect how we react in most situations. I always assumed the best course of action is to in fact confront the emotion. Which, shockingly, would be the hardest of tasks. It seems so much easier to sweep bothersome items under the rug or to walk around with blinders on, refusing to accept that whatever caused that unwanted emotion existed.

"No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but is inscribed in the Book of Decrees - (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz)" Surah Al Hadid 57:22

I was speaking with a dear sister of mine recently and I was astounded by her situation and pleased... mostly by her reaction. We all seek seek the guidance of Allaah and His messenger and assistance from our peers... but how many of us actually implement this good advice towards our situations?! It is fruitless and moot if we read the Book of Allaah and get the advice but still act on our own emotions, causing further rancor. It is reminder to see the beauty in your sister, to see the strength in your brother and actually allow to be inspiration for you to be better... rather than relying on our own hawwa and arguing in defense of our nafs. 

Anywho... just rambling... 'tis all


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